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The Second Brain Superpowers course: productivity tools, the science of habit formation, and creative thinking skills for creative flow!
The new Second Brain Super Powers cohort-based learning experience will help you learn how to get past the most common productivity and creativity related challenges including procrastination, overwhelm, and creative blocks.
Your Second Brain is where you store all your information, from your task manager to your note taking app. This course shows you how to make it your super power. The five-week curriculum includes sessions on relevant topics such as:
Prioritizing to eliminate procrastination and overwhelm
Automating your productivity and creativity workflow
Applying the science of habit formation so you can design your own Second Brain habits
Optimizing your divergent and convergent thinking so you can effectively transition between the two modes
Mastering the strategies, tools and techniques that will help you turn intermediate packets into finished work
Understanding the flow wave, flow triggers, and how to create your own flow wave activation routine
I teamed with two other productivity experts to deliver this transformative program. At the end of our course, you’ll have the tools you need to achieve your goals, deliver on your commitments, and use your Second Brain to express your creative ideas. Your Second Brain is your superpower—and we'll show you how to use it!
The nine-session course begins the week of July 26 and meets twice a week for the next four weeks. Registration opens on July 19.
“You really inspired me. All new info, wonderful examples and great coaching.””
“This is a total paradigm shift!!! I am looking forward to working on being aware of anchors and creating tiny habits.”